10 Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Up To It!

Do you ever have those days when you just don’t feel like doing anything?  Could you just lay in bed and do nothing all day.  Pull the covers over your head and tune out the world?  Here are some tips for when your energy is down.

  1.  Take a nice shower  –  Most people feel refreshed after a nice shower.  It gets you moving and motivated to possibly move to the next step.  I recommend Dove soap.  It’s simple clean and fresh smelling.  Lather up!
  2. Drink a full glass of water –  Statistics say lethargy is related to hydration.  When your so exhausted and feel down it usually relates to being dehydrated.  So drink your fluids.  Water is the best suggestion and the most healthy.  Zero calories.
  3. Do 10 sit ups or push ups – Get that blood flowing.  Excercise is key for the mood you are in.  It helps wake up your endorphins.  Can’t do a sit up or push up?  Do an alternative excercise.  Touch your toes.  Just get moving.
  4. Meet up with a friend – Making a plan to meet up with someone will force you to get out of the house.  Maybe something she or he says will get you out of your mood.
  5. Make a goal to get 1 task done – Don’t go crazy and find a million things that need to be accomplished or projects that need to be completed.  Pick 1 !!!  Try the easiest so your not overloaded.  Your brain will keep you in bed if you tally up the never ending to do lists.
  6. Walk outside – Sometimes its that easy to change up your thought process.  Take in the fresh air or rays of sun.  Sun produces vitamin D and is an important element in depression.  Get outside and put your face in the sunlight.  You will feel illuminated immediately.
  7. Put on your favorite music – Just get your toes tapping.  Surround your self with uplifting music.  Its a definite mood booster.  Get that energy back!  I recommend dancing but that’s just me!
  8. Forgive yourself – sometimes we are so hard on ourselves and we just don’t give ourselves any slack.  This could be part of the reason you don’t want to get up today.  Face what it is that is so hard and just start by forgiving yourself.  Today is a new day!
  9. Think of 5 simple things you are grateful for.  They can be as simple as … “I am grateful for the air I am breathing right now.” Keep a note pad by your bed and the next time you feel down just read some of the things you wrote in the past about gratitude.  Keep it going on a daily bases.  It does wonders!
  10. Make your bed – Once your up MAKE YOUR BED.  It  does not give you an option to crawl back in.  Your up and the day has just begun for you!  Enjoy it, we only have so many…